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It was an evening on the eve of St. Basil Day. As always there was a festive dinner, a tasty fried chicken and all kinds of side dishes to it. Thanking God for the generous Kutya (special rice pudding with raisins and honey), everyone was happy to relax. The whole evening children — Carol singers — were running around. They cheerfully sang Christmas carols and recited Christmas poems. Someone did it sincerely, heartily, and someone — to earn some money. In a word, as it always happens in real life. A lot of children visited us. And my husband noticed that we were running out of change for the
My husband went to count the money. We have got change of 5 hryvnya notes, as well as other small ones. When he looked at the notes he gladly informed me that another 50 hryvnyas appeared from nowhere. «That’s fine,» I said. — It is found just in time. «
Surprisingly quickly they got to our floor and knocked on the door. We opened the door and saw three children of different ages. The older boy was about 16 years old, a girl looked about 14 years old, and the youngest boy with a flute in his hands — probably 12 years old. All three children were blond, with angel-like faces. They asked permission to sing, and then the small one played the flute that produced truly divine sounds, and the other two began to sing with their quiet, but high and heavenly voices. At that moment we just froze up. I still remember those feelings. It seemed that they raised us up to the very Heaven, to the place where unearthly grace lives. What a holiday those three have made?!
Of course, without any doubt, we gave them 50 hryvnyas for that unexpected joy, and they went away, wishing us something and thanking. We paused in silence for some minutes. Impressions pushed us to reflection. Recovered, I asked my husband: «What was that ?! I thought it was a miracle! Maybe the Angels of God came to us?..»
Then my husband mentioned about 50 hryvnyas, which appeared unexpectedly… All of it was strange! And again when my husband asked, «Where are you from?». They replied: «From far away.» We understood it as if they were from another area of the city. The children also came upstairs to us directly, passing by all other flats, as it wasquite fast.
This Holy Night was rather special thanks to these three Angels. Or maybe they also symbolized the Holy Trinity?…
Yes, they were real Angels!!! Our dear Lord gives us presents, but not all of us can notice them. Glory to you, my great God! Your crafts are incomprehensible, but obvious to those who are open to hear You and see. Amen!
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What a wonderful story! Thank you, Svetlana, for the joy in the shower! And may miracles happen more often!
Thank you too. Life is amazing, only one should be careful about it. Be happy!
Great story! I was fully impressed by it!
My best wishes for you!
Great read ! I truly enjoyed the story.
With gratitude and love!